Metrohm 730 Sample Changer Manuel d'utilisation

Page 109

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Sample Racks

730 Sample Changer, Detailed Description


The following recognition data can be defined for each rack:

Rack number

unique identification


automatic rack recognition


racktype / position table

Work position

working height of the titration head

Rinse position

rinsing height of the titration head

Shift position

turning height of the titration head

Special position

Additional height of the titration

Special beaker position

reserved beaker positions
(spec.1 to 8)

The Rack number serves to identify a rack. It can be chosen from
1 to 16. In a method a particular rack number can be assigned to
the process sequences (see page 89). This ensures that if the
wrong sample rack is used, the automatic rack recognition will re-
alize this and issue a warning to the user.

The Code is used for automatic rack recognition. Make sure that
this 6-place binary code in the rack configuration agrees with the
actual inserted magnet code on the rack. Rack codes can be
changed at any time. They must however, only be assigned to one
rack. The assignment of standard predefined codes of standard
racks provided by Metrohm should be avoided.

The rack Type serves for the assignment to a position table inter-
nal to the instrument, in which the positions of the sample beakers
in the rack are defined in tenths of a degree (0-3599) of the full
turning angle. The rack type is coded as Mxx-y, whereby M
stands for Metrohm-defined types. The placeholder xx stands for
the number of sample beakers in a rack. The numerical code y is
a special code for the number of rows on a rack (0 = single-row,
1 = double-row, 2 = triple-row). Position tables for user-defined
rack types can be created with a suitable PC software and intro-
duced into the instrument via the serial interface. The name of the
rack type may be chosen at will this way.

The Work position determines the height of the titration head
(lift), the position in which, for example, a titration can be carried
out. In this way the ideal position for every sample rack can be
chosen dependent on the height of the sample beaker. This work
position can be accessed directly in manual operation with the
<END> key. In a process sequence this can be programmed with
'LIFT:1 : work mm'.

The Rinse position determines the correct position of the titration
head (Lift), in which the electrode can be rinsed. In this way the
ideal position for every sample rack can be chosen dependent on
the height of the sample beaker. This rinse position can be ac-
cessed with 'LIFT:1 : rinse mm'.
