Excalibur electronic 974 Manuel d'utilisation

Page 11

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It is now your move.

Letting Electronic Chess

Go First

After you make your move on the

DOCKER, Electronic Chess knows

you are connected to the DOCKER.

It then will wait for you to press its

from and to squares when it moves.

But when you want Electronic

Chess to go first and play the white

pieces at the top of the board, you

simply press the GO key on

Electronic Chess. Electronic Chess

does not know you are using the

DOCKER, so it assumes that you

are not. Therefore it simply moves

its piece on the Electronic Chess

board, and assumes you will make

its opening move on the DOCKER

chess board without pressing on its

from and to squares.

Special Moves

When you castle your king on the

DOCKER, Electronic Chess will

remind you to move your rook by

displaying the from and to squares.

Move the rook in the routine man-

ner, pressing on its from square and

then its to square. When Electronic

Chess castles, it will also remind

you to move its rook.

For an en passant cature, press

the from and to squares of the cap-

turing pawn. The square of the

pawn being captured will then

appear on the display. This is to

remind you to remove the captured

pawn. You must press down on the

captured pawn before removing it

from the board.

When you undo a move on the

DOCKER, you must follow the

standard procedure of pushing on

the to square and then the from

square. When the move is a capture,

Electronic Chess will also then sig-

nal the capture square. Refer to the

chess board on the LCD screen for

the proper piece to press on the cap-

ture square.

If you attempt an illegal move on

the DOCKER, you must follow the

standard procedure of undoing the

illegal move by pushing on the to

square and then the from square.

Interrupting a Game

If you are in the middle of a game

using the DOCKER, but want to

continue the game with only the





Electronic Chess, just turn off

Electronic Chess when it is your

move. Disconnect Electronic Chess

from the DOCKER, and turn on

Electronic Chess. You may now

continue your game using the

DIRECTION keys to enter your


You may also finish the game on

the DOCKER by turning the

Electronic Chess off, and inserting

it into the DOCKER. Turn on LCD

Chess and arrange the pieces on the

DOCKER chess board to match the

chess pieces on the Electronic

Chess screen.

Note: Do not take-back a move

on the Electronic Chess until you

have made a move on Electronic

Chess using the DIRECTION keys.

Entering your move on Electronic

Chess tells Electronic Chess that

you are no longer using the


Playing without Pieces

You can play without the three-

dimesional pieces, viewing only the

display. Press the 2nd key, then

repeatedly press the OPTIONS key

until TOUCH is shown. Use the +1

key to turn this option on or off.

With this option on, Electronic

Chess will just signal its move on

the screen, you will not have to reg-

ister its move on the DOCKER. In

this mode, the large playing board

acts as a touch screen so that you

can input your moves by pressing

from and to squares with your fin-


Position Setup

Position setup is faster when the

DOCKER chess board is used.

Follow the procedure on page 15,

but instead of using the DIREC-

TION keys to move to the square

you wish to change, simply press

the square. If you are removing a

piece, that is all you need to do. If
