Thetford Kitchen Centre Manuel d'utilisation

Page 3

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Fig. 2.


Stainless Steel
After use always clean the surface with soap and hot water followed by a clean water rinse and
drying with a soft cloth to prevent spotting. For more stubborn dirt or grease a non-abrasive
multi-purpose cream cleaner, such as CIF, may be used.

The quality of water can affect your bowl's appearance. If the water has high iron content, a
brown surface stain can form on the bowl giving the appearance of rust. Additionally, in areas
with a high concentration of minerals, or with over-softened water, a white film may develop on
the sink. To combat these problems, towel dry the sink after use, and clean at least once every
week .
Surface scratching will be most noticeable on highly polished components. These marks are
usually only superficial and can be removed with a proprietary stainless steel cleaner/polish. If
the surface has a directional polished grain always clean along the grain and NOT across.
Never use wire wool pads to clean the surface.
Cleaning agents containing bleach should NOT be left in contact with stainless steel. This
includes many of the new “trigger-dispense” products and some multi purpose cream cleaners.
Also leaving rubber mats or dishpans in the sink can lead to surface rust or pitting, always
remove them after use.
