About blood pressure what is hypertension, Can hypertension be controlled, Why measure blood pressure at home – LifeSource UA-787W Manuel d'utilisation

Page 20: Have regular physical checkups, Reduce salt and fat intake, Maintain proper weight, Monitor your blood pressure at periodic intervals, Exercise routinely

About blood pressure what is hypertension, Can hypertension be controlled, Why measure blood pressure at home | Have regular physical checkups, Reduce salt and fat intake, Maintain proper weight, Monitor your blood pressure at periodic intervals, Exercise routinely | LifeSource UA-787W Manuel d'utilisation | Page 20 / 64 About blood pressure what is hypertension, Can hypertension be controlled, Why measure blood pressure at home | Have regular physical checkups, Reduce salt and fat intake, Maintain proper weight, Monitor your blood pressure at periodic intervals, Exercise routinely | LifeSource UA-787W Manuel d'utilisation | Page 20 / 64